Monday, August 15, 2011

30-day Paleo Challenge

It's been a while since I posted. We were doing very well with Starting Strength; making serious gains in our abilities to do the lifts properly and in the weight used. We were also doing great with maintaining the Paleo lifestyle.

However, weeks ago we both felt injured at the same time that our kitchen remodel began. These things together complicated our situation and slowed our momentum. This is what life does -- it throws a wrench in your self-improvement cogs over and over. You have every desire to improve and stick to a healthy lifestyle, but the old always comes back. You just have to decide if you let it take over or not.

After 3 weeks of little to no exercise and plenty of eating out -- we have decided to rekindle that fire and start over. We are doing the 30 day paleo challenge again, just as we did years ago when we first started. I will chronicle our journey including our workouts and meal planning.

This 30-day period begins tomorrow, August 16th, and ends on September 14th. This means that we'll eat Paleo foods for each meal: Meats, veggies, fruits, and nuts. Thus we leave out processed foods, dairy, alcohol, grains, and starchy foods like potatoes. We have decided to allow occasional legumes, but the focus will remain on superior protein sources like turkey, chicken, fish, and beef. We are going on vacation during that time period, so it will be challenging -- but that's why it's a challenge.

Tonight we'll be preparing and cooking for the week to ensure success!


  1. I hope it works out for you guys. I did P90X for a couple of months and it did great, but I also have complications that get thrown at me in life that prevent me from doing P90X regularly. So I stuck with the foods and I'm just waiting until I find some free time to start the exercises again. Life throws curveballs and fastballs all the time... Sometimes all we need is a bigger baseball bat

  2. Thanks! I've heard great things about P90X, it sort of uses the same theory as Crossfit to increase your strength, endurance, etc.

    I love that analogy... bigger baseball bat indeed. :) It's tough to stick with a lifestyle that's so far from mainstream. You just have to decide not to care about what's "normal"!
